AmigaActive (418/2143)

Date:5 May 2000 at 12:51:16
Subject:Re: Yet another PFS2 problem (sigh)...

Hi Gerald

> If I upgraded to PFS3, would I have to install it to the RDB and then
> reformat each partition? Because I really don't feel up to that task
> right now :)

You have to install PFS3 on the RDB, and change the filesystem for
each partition to use PFS3.

You don't /have/ to reformat, as PFS3 is backwards compatible with PFS2.
However, personally I'd at least run the PFS3 diskvalid just to check
everything was OK once I'd changed the filesystem on a partition.


Tim Corringham e-mail:
Ramjam Consultants Ltd tel: +44 (0)118 946 5940
Reading, England fax: +44 (0)118 946 5941

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